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Hundreds of timber products under the one roof
Supplying quality new and recycled timber flooring in Dubbo
Timber flooring adds elements of luxury, warmth and style to any home. A quality timber floor will outlast any interior design changes over time and will never need to be replaced. Top real estate agents agree that a timber floor adds real value to any home. We offer an extensive range of flooring choices to suit any budget, for any commercial or residential application.
Timber flooring can be installed as solid-strip timber or, as engineered boards.
Where a floor deserves no less than the natural beauty of solid timber, luxury solid-strip timber flooring (in a traditional 19mm thickness) is perfect to be installed over bearers and joists or a concrete slab; whereas solid-strip overlay timber (10 – 14mm thickness) is perfect for over a concrete slab or any flat surface. Sanding and finishing can be prepared by professionals and can also be completed by keen DIY’ers to keep costs at a minimum.
Engineered, pre-finished flooring boards are perfect for those who want traditional solid timber flooring, but have a tighter budget to work with, as these are less expensive hardwood flooring alternatives! Engineered hardwood, Oak or replica timber boards are not only easy to install over any flat surface, they are pre-finished, which removes the sanding and finishing costs of traditional solid timber flooring. Perfect solution for DIY’ers!
Traditional Solid-Strip timber flooring is available in most Australian hardwoods, is kiln-dried & manufactured with a tongue and groove profile that is also end-matched for a tight board-to-board fit.
Overlay solid-strip flooring is precision-milled, and has been designed for those who love the style of a solid timber floor, but don’t have the traditional bearers and joists subfloor structure. Available in most Australian hardwoods, overlay flooring can be installed over virtually any flat surface, is a slightly drier product and wears just as long as traditional timber flooring.
Tasmanian, American and French Oaks are available in solid strip flooring and can be left in their beautiful natural light colour, or stained on site to achieve many different colour depths. These boards arekiln dried, tongue & groove, end matched for a tight board-to-board fit.
Cypress flooring is solid-strip flooring, kiln dried, manufactured with a tongue & groove profile and end-matched for a tight board-to-board fit.
Recycled Australian Hardwood flooring is sourced from Northern NSW region, from discontinued Rail line, Rail line upgrades, Wooden Bridges, wharfs and girders, destined to be scrapped and wasted. It is then machined and processed into high-quality flooring products, which not only has the aesthetics, but a history of a whole other life. Tongue & groove profile, end matched for a tight board-to-board fit.
Parquetry flooring is a geometric mosaic of wood pieces used for decorative effect. Patterns are entirely geometrical and angular; squares, triangles and lozenges. This product is hard wearing and usually requires little or no maintenance. The materials used in parquetry are oak, and Australian hardwoods.
Hardwood Cladding is more and more being specified in high-end designs due to its ability to integrate the exterior of a building with the natural environment, suitable for commercial and residential applications. Cladding is available in Australian Hardwoods, Cedar, Radiata, Cypress and more.
Hardwood engineered flooring is the perfect alternative for those who want a solid timber floor, but have a tight budget. This is an engineered hardwood floor, which means that the surface you walk on is made of strong Australian hardwood – the same as solid flooring, while underneath the surface HM WALK uses an extremely stable 9 ply construction made of plantation Eucalypt. With a glue less locking system, this is easy to install, hard wearing with a 13 coat system, is easy to maintain and less expensive than a solid hardwood floor. This product is perfect for both commercial and residential applications.
French Oak engineered flooring is a traditional tongue and groove engineered Oak floor, available at a fraction of the price of a solid timber floor! The flooring is manufactured using a genuine French Oak top layer sourced from forests in France. Elegant Oak combines a rustic, intense wire brush textured finish with a variety of stains to add a touch of flair to any room without over powering it.
Within this range, we also offer a square edge and pre-sanded, unfinished French Oak engineered flooring product, designed to be stained and finished on site. An ideal substitute if the stains in our pre-finished range aren’t quite what you’re looking for.
Replica Timber flooring is designed for those who want the look of timber flooring, but are on a very tight budget. This product utilises the latest technology to produce the stunning visual effect of a beautiful natural hardwood floor. Natural Impressionist can be installed over virtually any flat, dry surface, including in wet areas such as bathrooms and kitchens. Its natural timber texture adds a practical non-slip surface that is quiet underfoot.
1. Real value for money whilst adding value: A timber floor will never need to be replaced, and will last for the lifetime of your home. Timber floors add value to any home as agreed by top real estate agents.
2. Environmentally friendly: Timber is a totally renewable resource. Australian Forestry Standard Ltd (AFS Ltd) oversees the operation of the Australian Forest Certification Scheme (AFCS). The Scheme is made up to two Australian Standards, the Australian Standard® for Sustainable forest management (AS4708) and the Australian Standard® for Chain of custody for certified wood and forest products (AS4707). Hardwoods, Oaks and Cypress are selectively removed from these certified forests, where active replantation is carried out to ensure a steady supply for the future. Wildlife conservation projects promote the longevity of the surrounding flora and fauna, and ensure minimal impact to the environment the trees are grown. We only source timber from certified sources
3. Healthier for your family: Hardwood floors do not harbor dust, mold, dust mites, pet fur and other allergen substances that lead to or worsen allergies and other health issues.
4. Hardwood floors are stunning: With colour options ranging from light blonde with Oak floors to dark and rich polished Ironbark floors, no flooring product can compare to the warmth, luxury and uniqueness a timber floor offers. Too many species and colour options are available to mention in one paragraph!
5. Maintaining your timber floor is simple: After the floor is installed and sealed, maintaining the original beauty is as easy as regular sweeping and upkeep.
- Australian beech solid flooring
- Blackbutt overlay solid strip flooring
- Blackbutt solid strip flooring
- Blackbutt pre-finished engineered flooring
- Brush-box solid timber flooring
- Brush Box overlay solid strip timber flooring
- Brush Box engineered pre-finished flooring
- Forest reds solid timber flooring
- Forest reds overlay flooring
- Flooded Gum solid timber flooring
- Flooded Gum overlay flooring
- Grey Box solid strip flooring
- Grey Box overlay solid strip flooring
- Grey Gum overlay timber flooring
- Grey Gum solid strip timber flooring
- Ironbark solid strip flooring
- Ironbark overlay solid strip flooring
- Ironbark pre-finished flooring
- Red ironbark solid strip flooring
- Red Ironbark overlay solid strip flooring
- Grey Ironbark solid strip timber flooring
- Grey Ironbark solid strip overlay timber flooring
- Mixed Reds solid strip timber flooring
- New England Blackbutt solid strip timber flooring
- New England Black butt solid strip timber flooring
- Blackbutt solid strip timber flooring
- Blackbutt overlay solid timber flooring
- Northern Beech solid strip timber flooring
- French Oak solid strip timber flooring
- French Oak pre-finished engineered flooring
- Red Mahogany solid strip timber flooring
- Red mahogany overlay flooring
- Spotted Gum Solid strip timber flooring
- Spotted Gum Solid strip overlay flooring
- Spotted Gum Engineered pre-finished flooring
- Stringy Bark solid strip timber flooring
- Sydney Blue Gum solid strip timber flooring
- Sydney Blue Gum solid strip overlay timber flooring
- Sydney Blue Gum engineered pre-finished flooring
- Tallowwood solid strip timber flooring
- Tallowwood solid strip overlay flooring
- White Mahogany solid strip timber flooring
- White Mahogany overlay solid strip flooring
- American Oak solid strip timber flooring
- French Oak solid strip flooring
- French Oak engineered pre-finished flooring
- American Oak overlay solid strip flooring
- Tasmanian Oak solid strip timber flooring
- Tasmanian Oak solid strip overlay flooring

Cypress Flooring

Radiata pine is native to the central coast of California but is widely planted in Australia and New Zealand and is popular in all types of construction and decorative uses. These include framing, lining, glue laminated beams, veneer and plywood. It can be used for many exposed structural and non-structural applications if it is treated with the right preservatives.

New Guinea walnut is a decorative hardwood timber used in turnery, cabinetmaking, panelling and carving. New Guinea walnut is a large hardwood that co-occurs with the taun timber species in the lowland forests of Papua New Guinea. It is also found in Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines. New Guinea walnut is mainly used for furniture, panelling, turning and carving.

Merbau is a popular hardwood derived largely from areas in South East Asia, Papua New Guinea, the Pacific islands, and northern Queensland. With its high degree of natural durability and strength it is used externally in engineering, construction and marine applications. Merbau also features in backyards as outdoor furniture, and internally in a range of joinery, flooring and other uses.

Jarrah is a unique Australian hardwood renowned for its versatility. Its durability and strength make it an ideal timber for a range of structural and design applications, with timbers that display colours ranging from deep red to blonde.

Grey ironbark is a premium native Australian hardwood with a wide range of applications from industrial construction to house framing, flooring and sporting goods. It is a particularly hard, strong and durable timber, with a broad range of applications, due to its resistance to lyctid borers and termites.


Brush box is a medium to large sized Australian hardwood that grows along the edges of the rainforest areas of New South Wales and Queensland. It is used for a variety of applications including flooring, cladding and bridge decking.

Native to the coastal sclerophyll forests of eastern Tasmania, southern blue gum is the world's most widely planted eucalypt species. It is the preferred tree species in plantations throughout Australia. Originally forested for wood chips, pulp and paper fibre, some of the larger plantation trees have been used to produce both timber furniture and flooring material.

The common name blackbutt came about due to the tree's appearance after bushfire, whereby the buttress - or butt - was significantly darkened. It is also known as coastal blackbutt to distinguish it from the tableland species, New England blackbutt.

American white oak is the trade name for a variety of hardwood species from the Quercus genus. The timber is imported from eastern USA and used for a variety of applications, including furniture, flooring and joinery. American white oak is used for a wide range of applications, including shipping and boat building, flooring, architectural joinery, exterior joinery, railways sleepers and timber bridges due to its strength and resistance to decay. It is also an excellent timber for high-grade furniture, interior woodwork and panelling. Because of its impermeability, the timber is suitable for vats and casks holding liquids such as wine and spirits. Blackwood is a medium-sized Australian hardwood that grows in South Australia and the eastern states. In the wetter areas of Tasmania it is grown in large volumes for commercial use.

Western red cedar is a large softwood that grows in British Columbia and some of the nearby western states of the USA including Washington, Oregon, Montana and Idaho.
Visually, western red cedar is favoured for its rich and inviting colours. The heartwood ranges from a pale brown through to a richer dark brown. It cuts, machines and glues well and can also be painted, stained and polished.

Victorian ash is the trade name for two of the tallest hardwood species in the world. This Australian hardwood takes its name from the fact that it grows in the alpine areas of Victoria, Tasmania and New South Wales. It can refer to either mountain ash or alpine ash and is marketed under the trade names Tasmanian oak or Victorian ash, although it is important to note that the proportions of each species can vary considerably.

Turpentine is a large tree species occurring along the eastern coast of Australia from Bateman's Bay in New South Wales to Cooktown in North Queensland. Turpentine is an extremely hard and durable Australian native hardwood timber. It is suitable for a wide range of construction and engineering applications.
The true wood of this species ranges in colour from deep red to red-brown. Sapwood is distinctively paler, often creamy. The texture of Turpentine timber is fine to medium but often wavy, with interlocked grain. It is relatively free of gum veins.

Tasmanian oak is a premium Australian hardwood timber encompassing three species that grow in the mountainous areas of Tasmania, Victoria and south-east NSW. It is a versatile timber perfect for construction, furniture and interior applications, including flooring, panelling, architraves and skirting boards.

The heartwood can be pink or a more popular warm reddish brown and may also feature traces of orange, while the sapwood is pale and narrow. Even-textured, myrtle beech has a fine grain that can be straight, interlocked or feature a fiddleback pattern. Growth rings may also be visible. The burls and knotty wood of myrtle beech are favoured by craftspeople.

Tallowwood is an extremely hard, durable and versatile Australian native hardwood species. Its timber products are suitable for a wide range of applications. Tallowwood is a moderate to large tree occurring in wet sclerophyll forests of coastal regions from the Hunter River district of New South Wales to Maryborough and Fraser Island, Queensland.
The heartwood of this species ranges in colour from pale to dark yellow-brown, with occasional tinges of olive green. Sapwood is a whitish colour. The texture of tallowwood timber is moderately coarse, generally with interlocked grain. Unusually for a eucalypt species, tallowwood is free of gum veins. Figure is lacking but the timber possesses a distinctive lustre and ‘greasy’ appearance.

A medium-sized hardwood that grows in parts of South-East Asia, including the Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. It is mainly used for decorative applications such as timber veneers, paneling, joinery and furniture. Other include boat building, piano cases and carving. Its heartwood is reddish brown, while the narrow sapwood is generally a pale red in colour and quite distinctive. It has a moderately coarse texture with a grain that can be straight or interlocked.

Spotted gum is a premium Australian hardwood that is used widely in structural, exterior and internal applications. Spotted gum is one of Australia’s premium native hardwoods with a striking appearance and a high degree of natural durability and strength, making it an ideal timber for a variety of structural, exterior and interior applications. Architects and designers throughout the world value spotted gum timbers for their back-sawn grain structure, attractive markings and vibrant colour palette.

Rosewood is a hardwood whose attractive colour has made it popular for furniture, panelling, veneers, and in the making of musical instruments. Rosewood is a hardwood native to South-East Asia, Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands, Sabah, Philippines, Indonesia and MalaysiaThe heartwood of rosewood can be either golden brown or a dark blood-red, while the sapwood is pale yellow and up to 60mm wide. The wood is of medium texture and the grain is variable. Naturally termite resistant.

Red ironbark is a premium native hardwood that has been well regarded as a high quality timber in Australia throughout human history. Red ironbark is a premium native Australian hardwood with a wide range of applications from industrial construction to house framing, flooring and sporting goods. It is a particularly hard, strong and durable timber, with a broad range of applications, due to its resistance to lyctid borers and termites.